Chinese children

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All features, stories and articles tagged with: Chinese children

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The China Doll

The China Doll

The China Doll [Illustration by Anup Singh] December 9: A country’s national identity is very much like an individual’s identity. Each country has a name, a past from which it traces its origins and a few distinguishing characteristics that make up its overall personality. Yes, nations have personalities. Just like human beings, those countries with strong personalities are the ones with a sure sense of who they are. Kan Yue-sai appears to be sure of who she is....

The Girl who Squeezed a Peacock

The Girl who Squeezed a Peacock

Last year, a strange thing happened at a zoo in Beijing, China’s capital. When the day started, no one had any idea of what would happen some time later. As usual, there were many visitors to the zoo, especially children. All of a sudden, a six-year-old girl caught hold of a peacock and squeezed it hard. She said she would free the bird only if her mother agreed to buy a Barbie doll for her. Her mother, who wanted the bird to remain alive, said yes....

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