I remember making paper boats as a child but after their first voyage they could never be used again. Then somebody told me about the boats that would always float. At once the idea appealed to me and I tried making the unsinkable boat. It actually never sank. Would you also like to try making one?

The things you need:

Bottle cork, blade and card sheet.

Forever Floating [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath]
Forever Floating [Illustrations by Sudheer Nath]

Step 1. Slice the cork from the center, lengthwise.

Step 2. Trim the edges.

Step 3. For sails, cut a triangle from the card sheet, in proportion to the cork.

Step 4. Cut a lengthwise slit down the center, on the upper surface of the cork.

Step5. Fix the sail into it.

You can make two boats from one cork in very little time but can enjoy boating for a very long time.

145 words | 1 minutes
Based on Flesch–Kincaid readability scores

Filed under: craft activities